Concerned g time - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

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I like many of Obama’s ideas and I think he would be a good president. However, he is talking about increasing taxes on people that make over 250,000 dollars. I guess people in this income bracket are perceived as being rich. My husband and I make over 250,000 now. I’m a veterinary specialist who just finished a graduate program. I have over 100,000 dollars worth of student loan debt. I’m not allowed to deduct student loan interest because of my income. Even though I make a good salary it doesn’t go as far as it would seem because of the student loan debt that I have. My student loan payment is more than what some people would pay for a mortgage. The student loans are what enabled me to get the education to make a good salary. I feel like if you work hard and sacrifice to make a good living you get punished. Others who don’t seem to work as hard and are not doing well get rewarded. This is my main problem with voting for Obama. I’m not sure what I will do on election day.

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