K. Friday: Jesus before Pilate, flogged - The Passion of the Christ at Jerusalem The Passion of the Christ Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalem (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

The Praetorium, a raised stone pavement used for official judgments, stood outside Herod’s Palace and was the site of Jesus’ condemnation under Pilate. The crowd urged Pilate to crucify Jesus and to free the insurrectionist/terrorist Barabbas instead.

Jesus is flogged by a metal-tipped rope that caused gaping wounds in the flesh and the muscles. (For medical details on the physical sufferings of Jesus, see this 1986 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association [PDF].) Jesus was then stripped and mockingly dressed in a scarlet robe and made to wear a crown of thorns and given a reed as a scepter (with which they hit him on the head). They then stripped the robe and put his clothes back on him.

Mapa del lugar de interés K. Friday: Jesus before Pilate, flogged

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