USC Bookstore - The LA Flood Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Stage 1

People sitting on the steps ignored the first big drops of rain.  They think nothing of the small, slick creek of water trickling downward from the quad. By the time the water bangs up against the streetlights, consuming their bases, the stairs are empty. Everybody stands behind the large glass windows watching the large drops fall into the growing river now climbing the stairs.

Stage 2

When the water breaks through the first floor windows, the sound of glass can hardly be heard above the roar of the current.  Suddenly everything converges into the swirling, rushing cavernous mouth of water that sucks and swallows everything into it.  Textbooks, newspapers, pens, paper, highlighters, tubes of white-out, red and yellow sweatshirts, candy bars, cans of Red Bull.  Every now and then a human hand breaks the surface.


Stage 3
When the water recedes, those who were left return to the steps.  The steps and sidewalk now covered in a silt of dirt and a sludge human refuse.  One young girl could not take her eyes from the empty baby blue car seat, flipped over, balancing atop an empty flower planter.

Mapa del lugar de interés USC Bookstore

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de USC Bookstore, con el API de Google Street View

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