Tommy Trojan - The LA Flood Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Stage 1
The tables line Trousdale as always. Across from each other the Students for Life and the Take Back the Night sexual health fare. Whose idea was this. Immediately, Trousdale turns into Hyde Park, dueling speakers proselytize for and against sexual education on campus, using inverses of roughly the same arguments. Tommy Trojan himself becomes a pawn of the discussion as one team attempts to cover his sword with a prophylactic, while the other at first attempts to remove the cover and until, ripped sheaths in hand, they realize they've been duped into playing on the opposing side's iconographic terms.

Stage 2
With their laptops and Kenneth Coles and Eddie Bauer knapsacks, they have arrived in mass, a thousand frazzled undergraduates, looking like they've just taken back to back Organic Chemistry finals. They have assembled around the water-born platform for the airlift. Through megaphones National Guard is warning them to leave their possessions behind, assuring them that more helicopters will be arriving, but the first evac chopper cannot land because of the the number of private aircraft that are also trying to land. At last, a dark, armed chopper lands with gusts that practically dry out the students. But it is not a rescue aircraft. It is full of military personnel especially trained in crowd control.

Stage 3
Amidst the bloated bodies, overturned tables, sodden books, collegiate waste, the pall of the travesty, partially fractured from falling matter from Bovard, Tommy Trojan still stands, a beacon, a warning, a parody, fulfilling the ultimate destiny of every statue of a hero, Ozymandias or Unknown Soldier, icon and grave marker, token of communal remembrance and memento of irrefutable forgetting.

-- MCM

Mapa del lugar de interés Tommy Trojan

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Tommy Trojan, con el API de Google Street View

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