Statue of Traveler the Horse - The LA Flood Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Stage 1

The rain began: big, circular drops crushing the flowers and grass. Older people speed up their pace as they cross the square. They cover their heads with the common objects they hold in their hands: folders, briefcase, plastic bags. Younger people glance upward and continue on their way.

Stage 2
When the water reaches ankle length, small rivers begin to rise. Some people start to climb things near them: benches, trees, kiosks. Still the water comes. Others hold on to lampposts, the sides of buildings; a group hovers, clutching the sides of the Trojan warrior. At hip level, some begin to be carried away on the current. One young man, blond hair and shirtless climbs to the top of the horse statue— rider in the storm.

Stage 3
When the water began to recede objects begin to collect in the blue-tiled fountain: handlebars, cell phones, small dead animals, handlebars and backpacks. And mud. Mud coating every level surface. From atop the horse, a woman’s lifeless body can be seen in the distance.


Mapa del lugar de interés Statue of Traveler the Horse

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Statue of Traveler the Horse, con el API de Google Street View

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