Mudd Hall (Philosophy Library) - The LA Flood Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Stage 1:
From the catbird seat above Trousdale Parkway, a debate rages in the Philosophy library on the nature of human suffering and natural calamity. The third year Ph.D. student has conceded to meet with one of the undergrads in his discussion section for Intro to Philosophy. He is from the pacific northwest, a dark-roasted, misting utopia for which his very beard seems to pine. She is from some exurbian wasteland called Arcadia. He has been presenting the Die-ism, and she a kind of street-learned positivism. He calls her antediluvian. She calls him an asshole. The reference librarian thinks to himself, "Stalemate."

Stage 2:
On the other side of the colonnade, the treasures of the philosophy library have eroded to waterlogged lumps of pulp, marginalia streaking off a mash of typeface, now rising to the surface of the water as platforms. You can use them like riverstones to leap, pile to pile, and cross to the side of the wall. Sadly this will be the first time they’ve been touched in years. Only the call numbers, protected by a narrow band of plastic, remain easily readable.

You begin at B387.A5L43 2008,
move to 184.P71ti t 1944,
then reach out a tentative foot to B395.P74 2000.
A leap, shorter than expected in space if not time,
takes you to PQ2105.A2S8 v.2005: 02,
but you are distracted and barely catch yourself on B823.3.F56 1996, which was apparently headed back to Doheny anyway, based on a reshelving card.
Another leap brings you to BJ1475.3.H86 2009,
which is unsteadily lodged up on B824.G34 2010,
a final leap brings you to T14.5.M52 2010
and one tiny step to T14.5.S6385 2000x,
which bears a toetag for the Grand Depot book Limbo.

You give a breath of gratitude it had not yet been put to pasture. Thank God for books.

Stage: 3
The reference librarian is slumped over the top of the colonnades, passed out, yet in his hands, the washed out photocopies of an essay, which before the waters read, "
Geschichte und Naturbeschreibung der merkwürdigsten Vorfälle des Erdbebens welches an dem Ende des 1755sten Jahres einen grossen Thiel der erschuttert hat." The uncanny Kant lives on.

-- MCM

Mapa del lugar de interés Mudd Hall (Philosophy Library)

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Mudd Hall (Philosophy Library), con el API de Google Street View

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