Heritage Hall - The LA Flood Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Stage I

The song girls are practicing at the top of the steps. Inside is a bust of John
Wayne. But no one seems to be paying any attention. The NROTC parades by.

Students on bikes are glued to their cells. Rushing to lunch. Rushing to class.
Rushing away from the first drops of rain. The wind picks up the pom poms and
after a scramble, the ladies call it a day.

Stage II

Glass shatters and great tree limb spears smash all the cases, setting the
little football men free. But a Heisman will not float. The waters come quickly

trash cans and cracked patio umbrellas. The bust of John Wayne watches the
trophies clot in a lump in the corner along with the bits of crystal football
and the

plaques of the rich and famous. The custom cardinal and gold carpet will need to
be replaced.

Stage III

The gallery of past glory will be resurrected. The players come (jerseys still
wet, hair plastered) to retrieve the relics. The bust of John Wayne watches

he is boxed up and carted away. His friends the Heismen wait upside down and in
general disarray for their chance to be rescued.


Mapa del lugar de interés Heritage Hall

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Heritage Hall, con el API de Google Street View

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