E 1st St & S Cummings St, Los Angeles, CA 90033 - The LA Flood Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Brooklyn & Boyle
(East 1st and Cummings, almost under the 5 freeway)

Stage 1

Rain drops are falling onto lakes that were once not lakes, but the streets of Los Angeles. Who could have imagined the LA River would ever over flow. This thought could have been funny once, but not now, when all waters are merging into one vast brown-gray ocean flood, leaving everything, or almost everything under water. The freeways, cars, homes, dreams and nightmares; the downtown sky scrapers are up to their waist in it.

Stage 2

Hundreds of people stand atop the brown brick building on First St. not far from Mariachi Plaza, and across from it, or a drop away now, from Libros Schmibros, Boyle Heights community lending library. The one of a kind libros place para la gente where one can borrow books, or pay one dollar for one if you want to own it. It’s the brick brown building that houses beloved Corazon del Pueblo, the home of poetry, and community organizing in EastLos. Leon’s rhymes, Skyra’s photography, Maestro Salas’s Chook Son, Arizona SB 1070 poem, Matt Sedillo’s “The Alamo.” As rain drops fall on the roof, poems rise. Bus Stop Prophet performs his now legendary “Blueprints of the Heavens.” People listen on the roof of the brown brick building and as the poet’s voice beats loud we surface:

Stage 3

The waters are receding now, and there is lots of work to be done in the community, but then again this has always been true, because beauty is in the collective, it’s where the marvelous resides. Where the poet sings and seagulls fly again, towards the sea.

-- RL

Mapa del lugar de interés E 1st St & S Cummings St, Los Angeles, CA 90033

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de E 1st St & S Cummings St, Los Angeles, CA 90033, con el API de Google Street View

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