Doheny Library/Alumni Park - The LA Flood Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Stage I

Rumbles of the subway work. Rumbles of a new fault breaking. Who could know.
The sycamores are shaky by nature. But when Youth Triumphant (that statue, you
rather too frail for this steroidal age) begins to tremble and the fountain
begins to fizz and spurt,
you begin to believe you might be in for a whole world of hurt. You check your
news app and find
the surf report is 312 feet and rising. Go!

Stage II

Inside the toilets blow.Even acres of books can't staunch the effluent flow.
Outside the windows explode, gushing great torrents that meet the
waves coming down Jefferson and Expo, gnashing through the walkways, gashing
through to hit the Harbor and rush on..

Stage III

That lovely layer cake of a library has slumped into a giant sinkhole. All
across the campus buildings sag and seep. You start to channel Florida and wait
for the walking catfish and big ol' gators to begin to show.
From too little wet to too much. You start to think you hear the kudzu grow. Who
could know.

-- NET

Mapa del lugar de interés Doheny Library/Alumni Park

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Doheny Library/Alumni Park, con el API de Google Street View

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