Vinland at Last! - The best expeditions Marco Polo`s experience Francisco Pizarro Hernando Cortez The Adventures of Balboa Leif Eriksson Vasco da Gama Sir Walter Raleigh (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

After a few days, Leif found land once more. He discovered the wondrous land Hergelfson had spoken of! There were rich forests, deep, lush, pastures, and salmon-filled rivers. Wild-grapevines were bountiful, and helped this land be properly dubbed Vinland, or “Wineland”. Eriksson was very excited, and decided to start settling this land. He couldn’t wait to return to Greenland to share the news of Vinland!


Mapa del lugar de interés Vinland at Last!

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Vinland at Last!, con el API de Google Street View

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