Roanoke Island, North Carolina - The best expeditions Marco Polo`s experience Francisco Pizarro Hernando Cortez The Adventures of Balboa Leif Eriksson Vasco da Gama Sir Walter Raleigh (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

In 1584, Raleigh hired two explorers named Philip Amadas, and Arthur Barlowe on the first journey to the New World. Raleigh was hoping that the area for the new settlement would be somewhere in the Chesapeake Bay. He wanted this location because of the mild weather (unlike the more northern areas). Another reason for exploring was to find mineral riches. When the two men returned to England, Queen Elizabeth gave Raleigh a patent to explore all the lands that he could occupy. He then named this new land, Virginia, in honor of the Virgin Queen. Ralph Lane was sent as the leader of Raleigh’s second expedition. By the time that they got there, it was too late in the season for planting, and supplies were running short. To make matters worse, Lane (who was a military captain), alienated the Indians who were nearby, and murdered their chief over a stolen cup. Around 1856 Sir Francis Drake happened to visit the colony. Lane and his men had had enough, and Drake took them back to England. Ironically, a supply ship came to the island a week later. When the ship’s captain saw that the island was deserted, he left 15 of his men to stay there while he went to get reinforcements. Later, Raleigh sent 117 men, women, and children, to the colony to create a more permanent settlement.


Mapa del lugar de interés Roanoke Island, North Carolina

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