Loxley, Sheffield, Yorkshire - Robin Hood Locations (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

The life of Robin Hood in a Sloane manuscript circa 1600 AD says that Robin Hood was born in 1160 in Locksley either in Yorkshire or Nottinghamshire (there isn't a Nottinghamshire Locksley except in fiction). This was presumably a reference to the village of Loxley, a suburb of Sheffield in Yorkshire. Later tradition have added details including that his birthplace was near the present-day Normandale House (which should be present in a street view of this point.) There's also a Loxley in Warwickshire that some claim was Robin's birthplace although it's much further away from the outlaw's usual haunts. Many Robin Hood TV shows, films and books borrow the Locksley/Loxley name but set the village near Nottingham.

Mapa del lugar de interés Loxley, Sheffield, Yorkshire

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Loxley, Sheffield, Yorkshire, con el API de Google Street View

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