5th Precinct: GORTMOLEN MILL'S SITE - Reclaim Camissa - Citizen Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


THE GORTMOLEN (Barley Mill) erected in 1741, stood at the corner of St. Quinton’s Road (which had once been a deep ravine if the Platteklip Stream) and Mill/Annandale Street. Of cultural interest here, since Street is named after George William Prince (died 1858), who took possession of the Gortmolen in 1855. The Mill continued to function until the early 1900s and was only demolished in the 1960s - its site is today occupied by the De Waal Hotel and the Lennox Residential Hotel. (Rennie and Riley 1986).




Mapa del lugar de interés 5th Precinct: GORTMOLEN MILL'S SITE

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de 5th Precinct: GORTMOLEN MILL'S SITE, con el API de Google Street View

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