“You’re being inappropriate, get back in your car.” - QawemeHarassment - LEBANON (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

"My roommates and I were walking to a party around 10 pm. A guy in a car pulled up and tried to talk to us. We ignored him and continued walking. He kept on saying “I just have one question”. Finally he drove off and we thought it was done, but he had just gone around the block. He started to follow us again. He then abruptly stopped the car in the road and got out and started walking towards us. I’m a pretty small person, but both of my rommmates are younger than me and I feel responsible for them. So as he started towards us, I told him in a firm and loud voice “You’re being inappropriate, get back in your car.” He kept trying to talk but I kept repeating that phrase till finally he stopped, got back in his car and drove off. It was pretty ridiculous to talk to a grown man like he was a four-year-old I was scolding, but it worked. Getting out of your car and basically running at a group of women? Grow up."

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Mapa del lugar de interés “You’re being inappropriate, get back in your car.”

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de “You’re being inappropriate, get back in your car.”, con el API de Google Street View

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