"WHO TO TALK TO! WAT TO DO! HOW TO STOP thiss!!!!" - QawemeHarassment - LEBANON (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

"I was on my way from the bus station to my house in maarad street, and i was back from a long training day at 8pm! i was walking on the side walk and i heard the voice of a motorcycle coming near by, i got scared but i didnt picture it might actually happen but it did! he touched me! he actually w bkel wa2aha puts his hand on my ass!

and at zat minute my head spinned! i couldnt believe wat was happening and i started screaming and crying like a mad person!! he ran away!

1- why the hell arent there any lights on the streett!!!

2- why the hell arent there any policemen to protect us at night!

3- why the hell cant i just go home peacefully after a long day of work!!"

More here: http://wp.me/p1tg2d-4o

Mapa del lugar de interés "WHO TO TALK TO! WAT TO DO! HOW TO STOP thiss!!!!"

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