White Bird Overlook: - Nez Perce National Historic Trail - Auto Tours (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


White Bird Overlook:



This is the site of the first battle between United States soldiers and the Nez Perce. White Bird Overlook: Interpretive shelter and vistas of the valley and the battlefield The battlefield, today with a 1.5 mile trail, was the site of the initial encounter between the Nez Perce and General Howard’s soldiers and volunteers. Although 34 soldiers were killed in the battle, the Nez Perce did not lose a single warrior.

Half a mile from the battlefield is a monument honoring the dead. White Bird

Trail Foundation Auto Tour Info
©2011 Ron Hall

Mapa del lugar de interés White Bird Overlook:

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de White Bird Overlook:, con el API de Google Street View

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