Mud Volcano - Nez Perce National Historic Trail - Auto Tours (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


Mud Volcano


August 25, 1877 - Nez Perce camp - Sept. 1, 1877 - General Howard camps on the Yellowstone River

After fording the Yellowstone River, the main band of Nez Perce camped near the river. It is known through several oral histories and historical documentation that an elderly woman chose to stay behind here at Mud Volcano as the main band of Nez Perce continued to move eastward through the Park. The elderly woman was last seen by the Nez Perce near one of the geysers, sitting on a buffalo robe with water nearby, singing a song. Bannock scouts enlisted by the U.S. Army eventually came upon the woman, shot and scalped her. The elderly woman made a decision to stay behind so that she would not drain the resources or hinder the movement of the group. She did not want to burden anyone else. She sacrificed her life to ensure the survival of the others.

Although the Nez Perce camped here August 25, the cavalry and infantry did not arrive until September 1, 1877.

Trail Foundation Auto Tour Info
©2011 Ron Hall

Mapa del lugar de interés Mud Volcano

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