Blacktail Deer Creek - Nez Perce National Historic Trail - Auto Tours (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


Blacktail Deer Creek


August 26, 1877 - The Cowan’s are escorted out of the Park

Emma, Frank, and Ida Cowan were escorted out of the Park by Lieutenant Schofield’s detachment, and traveled home by way of Bozeman. All nine of the Radersburg tourists had survived their encounter with the Nez Perce. However, they did not yet know that the others were also safe. It would be nearly a month before Emma Cowan learned that her husband George was still alive.

Trail Foundation Auto Tour Info
©2011 Ron Hall

Mapa del lugar de interés Blacktail Deer Creek

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Blacktail Deer Creek, con el API de Google Street View

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