Big Hole Battle?eld to Skinner Meadows - Nez Perce National Historic Trail - Auto Tours (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


Big Hole Battle?eld to Skinner Meadows


The soldiers descended upon the sleeping village, plunging into willows and icy water as they set the stage for the battle of the Big Hole.

For two days the ?ghting wore on. Despite Gibbon?s surprise attack, the Nez Perce rallied and turned the tide of battle. On a wooded knoll above the river,Gibbon and his men found themselves pinned down in ri?e pits, hastily dug with tools at hand, including trowel bayonets. As the ?ghting continued, the Nez Perce quickly broke camp. They buried their dead as best they could, loaded the wounded on travoises and set off south through the Big Hole Valley.

Trail Foundation Auto Tour Info
©2011 Ron Hall

Mapa del lugar de interés Big Hole Battle?eld to Skinner Meadows

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