November 7 2008: Kampar Peninsula, Sumatra, Indonesia - Greenpeace Esperanza Expedition (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


Alongside the forest, up against the wall

From our blog: I've scrubbed and showered but there are still traces of mud sticking to me. It's my own fault - I guess I shouldn't have gone tramping around the peatlands here in Riau. But the picture above, that's us: some of the Esperanza's crew and several Indonesian volunteers pulling our banner tight against the forest wall, the straight line that separates the thriving ecosystem from the barren areas which have been cleared of trees. In case you're wondering, I'm at the top of the P in 'STOP'.

It was an early start and a long drive to get to the site on the Kampar peninsula, chosen because PT Arara Abadi-Siak has permits to set up plantations for acacia trees, used for making pulpwood and paper. The company is a subsidiary of Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), which is in turn owned by our old friends Sinar Mas - as well as having fingers in pulpwood, Sinar Mas is also one of the largest palm oil producers in Indonesia (not to mention a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), and many of the nearby palm oil plantations have their name above the gate.

The chosen spot was a few hundred metres from the dusty, potholed road so we had to clamber over some rough terrain to get there. Dead tree stumps and rutted ground lay in our path, not to mention the swampy bogs I fell into more than once. By the time we'd finished, most of us were covered up to our knees and beyond in thick black mud. Amongst all this, acacia saplings were growing in place of the forest that once stood there.


Greenpeace volunteers hold a banner in a deforested area of the Kampar peninsula
© Greenpeace/Novis

Read more about unfurling the banner...
Take action! Write to the Indonesian president and tell him to protect the forests and save our climate

© 2008 Greenpeace

Mapa del lugar de interés November 7 2008: Kampar Peninsula, Sumatra, Indonesia

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de November 7 2008: Kampar Peninsula, Sumatra, Indonesia, con el API de Google Street View

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