The Haymarket - Crimen y Castigo (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


This infamous neighborhood in Petersburg, home to its lowest and most downtrodden classes, was the site of many of Raskolnikov"s wanderings before and after the murder of the moneylender and her sister. Its now known as Sennaya Square.

The Haymarket was the center of daily life for much of the populace of Saint Petersburg in the late 19th century. Thus, Raskolnikov goes to the Haymarket to confess his murder at the end of the novel in order to confess in front of as many people possible:

"He (Raskolnikov) suddenly remembered Sonya"s words: "Go to the crossroads, bow down to people, kiss the earth, because you have sinned before it as well, and say aloud to the whole world: "I am a murderer!" " He trembled all over as he remembered it. And so crushed was he by the hopeless anguish and anxiety of this whole time, and especially of the last few hours, that he simply threw himself into the possibility of this wholesome, new, full sensation. It came to him suddenly in a sort of fit, caught fire in his soul from a single spark, and suddenly, like a flame, engulfed him. Everything softened in him all at once, and the tears flowed. He simply fell to the earth where he stood... He knelt in the middle of the square, bowed to the earth, and kissed that filthy earth with delight and happiness. He stood up and then bowed once more." (pg. 525, Crime and Punishment, Pevear and Volokhonsky Translation)

More information on the square can be found at:

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Mapa del lugar de interés The Haymarket

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de The Haymarket, con el API de Google Street View

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