The Fateful Street Corner - Crimen y Castigo (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

fateful street corner

Here, as if by chance, Raskolnikov overhears the conversation between Lizaveta and the tradesman that will eventually lead him to commit the murder:

"Later on, when he recalled this time and all that happened to him during these days, minute by minute, point by point, feature by feature, he was always struck to superstition by one circumstance which, though in fact not very unusual, afterwards constantly seemed to him as if it were a sort of predetermination of his fate.
Namely, he could in no way understand or explain to himself why he, for whom it would have been most profitable, tired and worn out as he was, to return home by the shortest and most direct way, instead returned home through the Haymarket, where he had no need at all to go. The detour was not a long one, but it was obvious and totally unnecessary. Of course, it had happened to him dozens of times that he would return home without remembering what streets he had taken. But why, he always asked, why had such an important, decisive, and at the same time highly accidental encounter in the Haymarket (where he did not even have any reason to go) come just then, at such an hour and such a moment in his life, to meet him precisely in such a state of mind and precisely in such circumstances as alone would enable it, this encounter, to produce the most decisive and final effect on his entire fate? As if it had been waiting for him there on purpose!" (pg.60, Crime and Punishment, Pevear and Volokhonsky Translation.)
(Image taken from, picture by Julian Connolly)

Mapa del lugar de interés The Fateful Street Corner

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de The Fateful Street Corner, con el API de Google Street View

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