Sonya"s Apartment - Crimen y Castigo (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Here"s Sonya"s little hovel, right on Ekaterininsky Canal, in Kapernaumov the tailor"s apartment. Svidrigailov lives right next door.


QUOTE: And Raskolnikov went straight to the house on the canal where Sonya lived. It was a three-storied, old, and green-colored house. He sought out the caretaker and got vague directions from him as to where Kapernaumov the tailor lived. Having located the entrance to a narrow and dark stairway in the corner of the yard, he went up, finally, to the second floor and came out onto a gallery running around it on the courtyard side. ... It was a big but extremely low-ceilinged room, the only one let by the Kapernaumovs, the locked door to whose apartment was in the wall to the left.... Sonya"s room had something barnlike about it; it was of a very irregular rectangular shape, which gave it an ugly appearance.... The poverty was evident; there were not even any curtains over the bed. (pp. 314-5)

Photo by Julian Connolly.

Mapa del lugar de interés Sonya"s Apartment

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Sonya

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