Porfiry"s Apartment - Crimen y Castigo (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

The location of Raskolnikov"s first meeting with Porfiry, and also the place where he first describes in detail his "extraordinary man" theory.


QUOTE: The latter was already going into the apartment. He entered looking as though he had to use all his strength to keep from somehow breaking into giggles...Raskolnikov, not introduced as yet, bowed to their host, who was standing in the middle of the room looking at them inquiringl, and held out his hand to him, still with an obviously great effort to suppress his hilarity.... Razumikhin, as if on purpose, was helping things along. ... "I merely suggested that an "extraordinary" man has the right...that is, not an official right, but his own right, to allow his conscience to...step over certain obstacles, and then only in the event that the fulfillment of his idea--someties perhaps salutary for the whole of mankind--calls for it." (pp. 248, 259)

Photo from Google.

Mapa del lugar de interés Porfiry"s Apartment

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Porfiry

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