Kokushkin Bridge - Crimen y Castigo (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

It is at this bridge where Raskolnikov fails to recognize Dunya as she crosses, Svidrigailov beckoning her from the other side. She walks with Svidrigailov west along the canal and into his apartment.


QUOTE: Having walked out onto the bridge, he stopped by the railing and began looking at the water. And meanwhile Avdotya Romanovna was standing close by him. He had met her as he started across the bridge but had passed by without noticing her. Dunechka had never before met him like this in the street, and was struck to the point of fear. She stopped and did not know whether to call out to him or not. Suddenly she noticed Svidrigailov coming hurriedly from the direction of the Haymarket. He seemed to be approaching secretively and cautiously. He did not walk out on the bridge, but stopped to one side on the sidewalk, trying as well as he could not to be seen by Raskolnikov. He had noticed Dunya long since and began making signs to her. It appeared to her from his signs that he was begging her not to call her brother, but to leave him alone and come to him. And Dunya did so. She quietly passed around her brother and went up to Svidrigailov. (p. 486)

Photo from http://people.virginia.edu/~jwc4w/slideshow.swf

Mapa del lugar de interés Kokushkin Bridge

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Kokushkin Bridge, con el API de Google Street View

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