Nutting's Flycatcher - LCRV Rarities (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

This is the area where the Nutting's Flycatcher has been seen recently. From highway 95 on Planet Ranch Rd this area is by the mile marker 2 sign. You will have cliffs on your right and the riparian on the left. This area is best early morning (before 9AM Arizona time) and late afternoon (after 4) as this appears to be where the bird roosts at night before moving along the edge of the riparian and toward the 2.5 mile spot. If you are here in the middle of the day be patient as the bird infrequently calls at this time.

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Mapa del lugar de interés Nutting's Flycatcher

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Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Nutting's Flycatcher, con el API de Google Street View

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