Kagoshima Castle - Japanese Castles (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Kagoshima Castle, also known as Tsurumarujo Castle, was a flatland Japanese Castle located in Kagoshima Kagoshima Prefecture. Kagoshima Castle was completed in 1601 by Shimazu Iehisa, shortly after his father, Shimazu Yoshihiro, had been defeated at the Battle of Sekigahara by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1600. Kagoshima Castle was a small and not very well built castle, even though Shimazu was one of the wealthy daimyo in Japan at the time. Only the moat and stone walls remain from the original castle.

Mapa del lugar de interés Kagoshima Castle

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Kagoshima Castle, con el API de Google Street View

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