October 9 2008: Papuan coast, Indonesia - Greenpeace Esperanza Expedition (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


Surveying the forests of Papua and West Papua

One of the main purposes of the Forests For Climate ship tour is to head out and assess the current state of the forest. We will document the areas of forest that are still untouched, as well as the industries - such as industrial logging and palm oil plantations - which pose a threat to their continued existance.

To do this, we need to take to the air in Tweety the helicopter. Over the next two weeks, we will conduct several flyovers in different areas as we move west along the New Guinea coast. As the region's forests are still more or less intact, we expect to see huge areas of beautiful forest stretching across the swampy coastal plains and the jagged mountains. But it's certain we'll also see evidence of logging and areas which have been converted into oil palm plantations.

Take action! Write to the Indonesian president and tell him to protect the forests and save our climate

Papua: Indonesia's Last Forest Frontier

© 2008 Greenpeace

Mapa del lugar de interés October 9 2008: Papuan coast, Indonesia

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de October 9 2008: Papuan coast, Indonesia, con el API de Google Street View

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