Tehachapi Pass, CA - Grapes of Wrath (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Chapters 18 (continued): Grandma's Death
In the same chapter where Steinbeck discusses the vast wealth of those who have more land than they can even bother to use, Steinbeck ends the chapter with Granadma's death and the fact that the family can not even afford to give her a decent burial.

Should the super wealthy in the United States feel more obligation towards helping poor Americans? Would your opinion be affected by knowing that current estimates are that over 51% of the wealth in the United States is in the hands of only 5% of the population?

Read more about distribution of wealth in America at...
The Growing Wage Gap
Wealth, Inheritence and the Estate Tax

Chapters 19: How land ownership gradually came to those who did not care about or even work the land and how this began to lead to serious resentment between the haves and the have nots.


Read about the origins of

The land ownership shifts from individual farmers to corporations who care only about profit for their investors. Steinbeck "plants the seeds of growing discontent" among the people whose needs are being forgotten. If Steinbeck is being truthful, do you think the poor are justified in their growing anger with the rich? Why? If you were one of the immigrants being treated like criminals anyway, would you have "broken the law" and tried to raise some food in a "secret garden" on someone else's property?

At what point does injustice justify breaking the law? Should Martin Luther King jr. have "obeyed the laws" that he was breaking?

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