Ser Jorah Mormont - Game of Thrones Houses Infographic (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Ser Jorah Mormont, an exiled knight, was one of the most trusted companions of exiled princess Daenerys Targaryen. Middle-aged but still strong and fit, Ser Jorah is a capable warrior. Mormont fled Westeros to escape execution for trading in slaves, and entered the service of the last Targaryens, Viserys and Daenerys.

Viserys Targaryen noticed Ser Jorah at the party celebrating the engagement of his sister, Daenerys, to Khal Drogo and took him into his service. Jorah, hoping for a royal pardon, became a spy for the Iron Throne, reporting all of the Targaryens' movements to Varys, King Robert's spymaster. However, he fell in love with Daenerys and eventually ceased his reports. He proclaimed his love repeatedly and suggested they marry, claiming she would never find a man more loyal than he. Daenerys, who saw him as more of a father figure, always refused. Jorah's earlier betrayal was revealed by Barristan Selmy in A Storm of Swords and Daenerys sent both on a dangerous mission to prove their loyalty after past deceits. After completing the mission, Selmy was contrite and humble, and was pardoned. Though Mormont's betrayals were more significant, he was bitter and proud. He was not forgiven, and was banished from her service.

Jorah Mormont will be played by Iain Glen in the HBO adaption of the books.

Mapa del lugar de interés Ser Jorah Mormont

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Ser Jorah Mormont, con el API de Google Street View

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