Queen Cersei Lannister - Game of Thrones Houses Infographic (sitios de interés)

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Older than Jaime by mere moments, Cersei (a POV character) is the twin sister of Jaime Lannister with golden hair and bright green eyes. After Robert's Rebellion she married the new King, Robert Baratheon, and became Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. A willful and ambitious woman, Cersei resents the restrictions put on her for her sex. She is always concerned for the safety of her children, JoffreyMyrcella, andTommen. She has no respect for her husband, King Robert.

Cersei's three children were all fathered by her brother Jaime, rather than her husband. This secret was discovered by Jon ArrynEddard Stark and Stannis Baratheon, Being an honest man, Eddard offered Cersei an opportunity to flee before he broke the news to King Robert. Cersei however had no intention of leaving; ultimately, this led to Eddard's downfall.

Cersei has since climbed the ladder of power. She arranged for the death of her husband, King Robert. After that, she put her 13-year-old son Joffrey on the throne, ruling as Queen Regent. However, when leaving for battle, as Hand of the King, her non-twin brother, Tyrion curtailed much of Cersei's policy. Several characters in the series state that Cersei wants power but does not wield it well.

When both her eldest son and father Tywin were murdered in quick succession Cersei believed that Tyrion was guilty of both. She resumed her regency over her younger son, the eight-year-old newly crowned King Tommen, As Tywin's eldest child, she was also acknowledged as the Lady of Casterly Rock. Thus empowered and unrestricted, Cersei began her regime by filling Tommen's Small Council with her own supporters and agents, disregarding previous arrangements. The changes she made to the Small Council along with some of the men she choose to fill it were not held in high regard by many of the lords and smallfolk.

Cersei grew to suspect that her powerful Tyrell allies, now relatives through Tommen's marriage to Margaery Tyrell, were trying to seize control of the kingdom. She began a campaign to remove the Tyrells in King's Landing from positions of influence and authority, including her son's wife Margaery, and Loras, a member of the Kingsguard. This alienated Jaime, who had begun drifting away from his family, even further and he abandoned her to her own political paranoia. Another potentially ill-fated decision was her refusal to honor the debts of the Crown, angering powerful institutions such as the Iron Bank of Braavos and the Faith. As a result the Faith refused to bless King Tommen and the Iron Bank of Braavos refused any new loans to Westeros but called in all the debts from their previous loans which caused economic chaos.

A plan to have Margaery Tyrell seduced, failed as Margaery did not respond to his seduction. Her henchman (Osney Kettleblack) confessed to the High Septon the complete and actual truth (Osney had slept with Cersei and smothered the previous High Septon with a pillow at Cersei's command). Cersei was arrested and detained to await trial in a tower cell at the Great Sept of Baelor. Her ministers abandoned her and seized control of the government while she was imprisoned. Accused of capital crimes, her only hope lay in a Kingsguard champion to stand for her in a trial by combat. she sent Jaime a letter begging for his help. Jaime throws her letter into the burning fireplace as snow begins to fall on Riverrun, and winter descends on Westeros.

Cersei Lannister is played by Lena Headey in the HBO adaption of the books.

Mapa del lugar de interés Queen Cersei Lannister

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fotografía panorámica de Queen Cersei Lannister, con el API de Google Street View

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