Charles Allis Art Museum - Gallery Night and Day - July 27 - 28, 2012 (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

(1801 N. Prospect Ave. - 414.278.8295 -

Our Gardens Inside & Out - A fresh perspective on gardens to intrigue us whether we view them through the eye of an artist, a pane of glass or surrender ourselves to romantic trysts in their moonlit shadows.  A garden is a tamed wilderness inspiring artists through an ever-changing palette of color, pattern and shape.  Our Gardens Inside & Out is a group show by artists who interpret flowers and gardens from different perspectives using varied art forms including paintings, prints, and sculpture. Guest curated by Jane Brite, Founding Director of the Walker’s Point Center for the Arts. Exhibition June 29 through October 7. 

Friday: 5 to 9pm

Mapa del lugar de interés Charles Allis Art Museum

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