Martinica, Auguste Morisot 1886-1887 - Follow your favorite authors around South America (sitios de interés)

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Martinica, Auguste Morisot 1886-1887,
Diario de Auguste Morisot 1886-1887

This diary narrates the experiences of the French traveller during his trip to the Orinoco. Through these pages, one discovers the impact that ?the colours and exuberance of the Caribbean tropics? had on the artist. Day by day, during 14 months, Auguste Morisot describes his experiences and encounters, as well as everything that surrounded him. Without a doubt the text allows us to meet with the Caribbean world of two centuries ago, from the perspective of an artist. Edited by Fundacion Cisneros and Editorial Planeta, 2002. Texts by Patricia Phelps de Cisneros and Alvaro Garcia Castro. Spanish. 168 pages. 75 black and white photos. Sofa cover. 24 x 17 cm

Mapa del lugar de interés Martinica, Auguste Morisot 1886-1887

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fotografía panorámica de Martinica, Auguste Morisot 1886-1887, con el API de Google Street View

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