Ernesto Guevara - Follow your favorite authors around South America (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Ernesto Guevara, "Che Guevara"
Avellaneda 501, Alta Gracia, El Che Museum Cordoba Argentina and the movie / book with the same name
The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
Diarios de motocicleta (original title)
Mini Biography
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born to a middle-class family in Rosario, Santa Fe Province, Argentina, on June 14, 1928. Disgusted by the corrupt Argentine military dictatorship, Guevara became a dedicated Marxist while in his teens. As a student he vowed to devote his life to revolutionary causes, and in 1953 he received a medical degree from the University of Buenos Aires. He left Argentina later that year to take part in a Communist revolt in Guatemala. There he adopted his revolutionary nickname and nom de guerre of "Che", the local slang for "pal." When the revolution in Guatemala failed the following year, Che fled to Mexico where he was introduced to another Communist revolutionary in exile, Fidel Castro.

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