Dinnyési fert? TT - Duna-Ipoly NP (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Dinnyés Fert? Nature Conservation Area

Territory of the protected area: 539 hectares.
Location: The protected area is situated to the southeast from the Velencei lake in the fields of the village Dinnyés.
Visitors: It is a restricted area, visiting is subject to permit, only guided tours are available.
Management: Directorate of the Duna–Ipoly National Park

The Dinnyési Fert? is one of the most valuable bird reserve in Hungary, the botanic valuaes of which are also outstanding.
This swampy, marshy area of a large territory is the remnant of a once was vast marshland.

The lake Nádas, the part of which was the Dinnyés Fert?, too, constituted one swampy system of lakes with the lake Velence and with the area of Sérrét stretching more to the south. Though the marsland of thousands of hectare stretching between Pákozd and Seregélyes was tried to drain several times, the water was managed to drain off from the area only at the beginning of the last century. Later the two parts were permanently divided by the railway-embankment of the Székesfehérvár–Budapest railway line. In the northern part a system of fishponds was made and other areas covered with water were joined to the lake Velence. In the southern side agricultural fields were formed, while the rest, of a few hundred hectares, was declared nature conservation area.
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The swampy area of the Dinnyés fert? is a first class feeding and nesting place for the water birds of the neighbourhood. It is impossible to make a list here of the extremely rich avifauna consisting of a large number of birds on the several hundred hectare protected area covered with reeds, bulrush, sedge: almost all species of herons hatch in the area, but species of ducks, littoral birds, several species of the grebe, as well as the highly protected gray leg goose (the only nesting species of geese). Several species of reed songbirds live in the reeds, while the water rail, the lapwing and the corncrake hatch at the marsh-meadows and wet meadows lying at the fringes of the area. Out of the predators red-footed falcons, kestrels can regularly be sighted, the marsh harrier and the hobby nest, too. During migration tens of thousands of bean goose, plovers and species of ducks descend onto the open water surface.

The vegetation of the Dinnyési Fert? is also significant. The dry parts are covered with alkali puszta associations with a pattern characteristic of alkali areas, the same richness of flora – salt-marsh, Michaelmas-daisy, sea blite etc. – as that of the Alföld. Out of the protected plants several kinds of orchids and species of iris grow on the protected area.
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The site is a nice example of active nature conservation, as with adjusting the lock-gate of the former draining lock the missing water is supplied. In order to sustain the valuable plant associations the protected areas are mowed and grazed according to an accurate plan.

Although the area can only be visited with a permit, visitors can have an amazing sight even from the side of the railway-embankment, or from the fields of Dinnyés with a good pair of binoculars.


Mapa del lugar de interés Dinnyési fert? TT

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fotografía panorámica de Dinnyési fert? TT, con el API de Google Street View

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