Rodeo 25 Wreck - Dive Site Map of Florida & Bahamas from (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

GPS Coordiantes: 26 13.861 N X 80 03.829 W
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Sunk in 1999 by Pompano Reef Committee. Rodeo's bow faces North. Plenty of life. This is an erie wreck.. the helm has about 12 colums across covered in coral and to look through it you almost see the ghost of the captain. The large anchor changes on the bow hold at least one bone. This is the home of a few large goliath groupers and a few big barracuda! Lots of life, small and large!
Depths Range: 70'-122'
This is an advanced dive and generally currents are extremely strong a mooring line to the wreck is generally done. I reccomend Dixie Divers as the boat to dive off for this wreck as they really are good about taking care of everything and are affordable too!  Biggest Barracuda I ever saw was here.  The helm has an erie glow about it as the light passes through strangly.

Mapa del lugar de interés Rodeo 25 Wreck

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Rodeo 25 Wreck, con el API de Google Street View

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