Paces Place Barge Reef - Dive Site Map of Florida & Bahamas from (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio



26.51948° -82.28253°
26° 31' 10" N 82° 16' 57" W
26° 31.16 N 82° 16.95 W

Depth: 34' Relief: 12'
Date Reef Deployed: 6/15/00
Reef Materials: Barge Steel Deck Steel Crane And Boom
Reef Description: 110' X 35' X 9' Steel Deck Barge And 75' X 10' X 8' Crane/Boom

Popular artificial reefs near Paces Place Barge Reef

Wildmans Reef
Depth: 36 ft. (10.97 m)
Distance: 0.10 miles (0.08 nautical)
Location: 26.519617° -82.2841°
Heading: WNW (296°)
Lee County

Redfish Pass Reef 2
Depth: 24 ft. (7.32 m)
Distance: 3.64 miles (3.16 nautical)
Location: 26.558317° -82.2428°
Heading: N (8°)
Lee County

Redfish Pass Reef 1
Depth: 26 ft. (7.92 m)
Distance: 4.03 miles (3.50 nautical)
Location: 26.560883° -82.23665°
Heading: N (9°)
Lee County

Blandas Reef
Depth: 45 ft. (13.72 m)
Distance: 7.24 miles (6.28 nautical)
Location: 26.41975° -82.318333°
Heading: S (186°)
Lee County

Helens Barges
Depth: 30 ft. (9.14 m)
Distance: 7.79 miles (6.77 nautical)
Location: 26.632217° -82.286017°
Heading: N (360°)
Lee County

Vixen Wreck
Depth: 60 ft. (18.29 m)
Distance: 8.30 miles (7.21 nautical)
Location: 26.5473° -82.413217°
Heading: NW (325°)
Lee County

Shirley D Shrimp Boat
Depth: 60 ft. (18.29 m)
Distance: 8.37 miles (7.27 nautical)
Location: 26.548983° -82.413933°
Heading: NNW (327°)
Lee County

Shermans Reef Barge
Depth: 60 ft. (18.29 m)
Distance: 8.45 miles (7.34 nautical)
Location: 26.54795° -82.415517°
Heading: NW (325°)
Lee County

Depth: 57 ft. (17.37 m)
Distance: 10.73 miles (9.32 nautical)
Location: 26.41605° -82.411983°
Heading: SSW (200°)
Lee County

Arc Reef
Depth: 60 ft. (18.29 m)
Distance: 10.75 miles (9.34 nautical)
Location: 26.415083° -82.411517°
Heading: SSW (200°)
Lee County

Mapa del lugar de interés Paces Place Barge Reef

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Paces Place Barge Reef , con el API de Google Street View

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