Amaryllis Wreck [Part of the "Cooridors Drift Wreck Treck"] - Dive Site Map of Florida & Bahamas from (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

-1 mile N Lake Worth Inlet
GPS Coordinates: 26 47.295 N X 80 00.975 W
Information Compliments of:
This wreck treck is amazing.. You can actually dive all four wrecks here in a row in one dive unless your an air hog like Dan LOL.  The largest golliath grouper I have ever seen lives here.. her name is two ton Bessie.. say hi if you see her!  Heavy currents and lots of life surround this 440' Liberty Ship ran aground in '65, cut up to lighten and sunk. Laying N to S 60'--77' of water.
Depth Ranges: 56'-76'

Mapa del lugar de interés Amaryllis Wreck [Part of the "Cooridors Drift Wreck Treck"]

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fotografía panorámica de Amaryllis Wreck [Part of the

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