Nowogrodek, Belorussia - Defiance (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Nazi%20Concentration%20Camp%201.gif           Nowogrodek was the town in which Chaja Bielski, Asael's wife, lived before the establishment of a ghetto in this town. Once a ghetto was established in Nowogrodek, Chaja escaped to the Christian world where she was protected by friends. Later, she joined the Bielski otriad. Nowogrodek had a large ghetto established in which many Jews were kept. This ghetto, like the Lida ghetto, was the site of large, disastrous Atkions that resulted in a mass number of Jews murdered. 
 Navahrudak_hill.jpg    Today, Nowogrodek is called Navahrudek and it still has ruins of castles, burial mounds, monuments, and old cemeteries. Also, it is predominantly rural.

Mapa del lugar de interés Nowogrodek, Belorussia

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Nowogrodek, Belorussia, con el API de Google Street View

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