Lida, Belorussia - Defiance (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

     In Defiance, Lida was the site of a large ghetto in which Jews were kept during the Russian-German War. Life was very difficult in ghettos such as this one. All Jews, whether man, woman, or child, were forced to do laborious work for long hours with no pay. Most of the time, these Jews would die due to starvation, exhaustion, overcrowding, or from just giving up and not wanting to go on anymore. Some Jews attempted to escape the ghetto. Attempts such as these during the day meant suicide. Night was an escaping Jew's best friend. Many Aktions occured in the Lida Ghetto. An Atkion was an un-announced, random murder of the ghetto residents. The Lida Ghetto Atkions in this story sometimes amounted up to thusands of peoples murdered viciously. Lida was a major ghetto in the story and one that Tuvia Bielski made numerous rescues from.
000743_540902.jpg    Lida in present day is home to the Holy Cross Day Cathedral. Lida is also the site of Lida Castle, which was built in 1323 and still is today a popular tourist attraction. This castle is open all seasons and in the summer, kinghts' torunaments are held while in the winter, it becomes an ice skating rink.

Mapa del lugar de interés Lida, Belorussia

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Lida, Belorussia, con el API de Google Street View

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