President Benjamin Harrison's Memorial - Crown Hill Cemetery, Funeral Home & Heritage (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Each August a wreath-laying ceremony is held to celebrate his birth. Harrison was born in 1833 and was buried in March 1901. Located on Section 13, you can follow a paved walkway leading to his memorial.   

GPS: 39 49'08.06" N 86 10'32.32" W

Pres. Benjamin Harrison was our nation's 23rd president.He was grandson of the nation's ninth President, William Henry Harrison. His father John Scott Harrison was an Ohio congressman but his notoriety came after his death: His body was stolen by grave robbers. Horrified family members launched a search discovering the remains hanging on a hook at the Ohio Medical College in Cincinnati awaiting illegal use as a medical specimen.

Benjamin was born in North Bend, Ohio on his fathers farm adjacent to his grandfather's vast estate. As a child, he hunted, fished, hauled wood, tended livestock and studied at home with private tutors. Enrolled at Miami University in Oxford, he graduated at the top of his class and studied law with a firm in Cincinnati. One year later, he had his own law practice and married Caroline Lavina Scott, a girl he had known as a teenager. They moved to Indianapolis to escape the notoriety of his famous family. Benjamin quickly became involved in politics which was interrupted by the civil war which found him as a member of the Indiana Volunteers attaining the rank of brigadier general. After the war, he returned to political life becoming an influential Republican party broker. He was named to the United states Senate where he championed pensions for civil war veterans, protective tariffs, a modernized navy and conservation of western lands, issues that he would uphold as President. In the closing days of the administration, Caroline died of tuberculosis. He was swept out of office handing former President Grover Cleveland a decisive victory. He remained active in public life becoming an "elder statesman" lecturing on constitutional law at Stanford University and serving as chief counsel for Venezuela in a boundary dispute with British Guiana. Benjamin Harrison married his deceased wife's niece, Mary Lord Dimmick, a widow nearly thirty years his junior. The last Civil War general to serve as president, died from pneumonia in the bedroom at his home on Delaware Street in Indianapolis at age 67. The body of President Harrison lie in state in the rotunda of the State Capitol with services at the First Presbyterian Church and interment in the family plot here.

(Some text quoted from

Mapa del lugar de interés President Benjamin Harrison's Memorial

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