Freedom Riders - Civil Rights US History Tour (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


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Anniston, Alabama

In the 1960 case of Boynton v. Virginia, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the racial segregation of terminals and stations that served interstate transportation was unconstitutional. Despite the court ruling, many bus stations continued to segregate passengers on the basis of race. The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) organized protest to bring to light this illegal practice. On May 4, 1961, an interracial group of CORE volunteers committed to nonviolent protest departed Washington, D.C., intending to travel through the South to integrate the bus stations. The Freedom Riders, as they were known, met with harassment and violence as they made their way through the Deep South. In Anniston, Alabama, an armed mob attacked one bus, slashing its tires. As the bus left the terminal some 50 cars followed in pursuit. When the tires went flat just outside of Anniston, the mob attacked and someone threw a firebomb onto the bus. As the Freedom Riders spilled out from the bus, members of the mob viciously beat them. Photographs of the firebombed bus made the national news. The protests angered President Kennedy, who was concerned about the nation’s international reputation. He feared that communists would use the incident to criticize the United States. Despite the president’s opposition, the Freedom Rides continued until the Interstate Commerce Commission ordered all interstate transportation facilities to be integrated. 1

Tah-chee, a Cherokee Chief (c. 1837)


(Library of Congress)

1 Foner, 969–70: Carrier, 219; Blumberg, 74–77; Reeves, 123–32; Hall, 150.

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