MR. MINSCH - Cee Cee (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

– Food / Kreuzberg –
Off the beaten path, at Yorkstrasse 15, you'll find the cake oasis of Andreas Minsch. Surrounded by numerous plants and flowers and a little fountain, the huge window pane allows you to peep inside the bakery. Here you can watch the confectioner and his apprentices at work. The shop comes in a fifties look, decorated with cream white tiles. To choose your cake you have to check out the assortments in the vitrine. They offer cherry-vanilla crumble, cinnamon rolls, pastries, cookies, and sumptuous cream tartes. On Sundays the assortment is bigger but likewise the number of customers. A piece of cake is three Euros - so fantastic and so huge it feeds two. You'll find more impressions of Mr. Misch's repertoire from their chocolate artworks to multi-leveled wedding cakes on Facebook. Nikolaus Hurlbrink
Mr. Minsch, Mo-So 12-18h, Yorckstr. 15, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Mapa del lugar de interés MR. MINSCH

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de MR. MINSCH, con el API de Google Street View

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