E- 88th Ave - Carp Slam 2012 - All beats w/ Parking (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Beat extends from ~1/2 mile downstream of 88th bridge upstream to observation platform. Scout deep hole, flat below bridge and deep water on river left from high bank on west side. Lots of hoppers here, you might want to stomp on one (fly) and drown it. Look for fish on west bank just upstream of bridge. Suggest you fish downstream in the am as the sun will be against you.

Parking take Ringsby Ct north, then Washington St north to 88th ave. Turn right and go east to intersection of colorado/88th. Turn right into parking lot marked thornton gravel ponds

Mapa del lugar de interés E- 88th Ave

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de E- 88th Ave, con el API de Google Street View

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