Burgos Cathedral 1221-1567 - A History of Romanesque Architecture 300 - 1300 (sitios de interés)

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This marker is part of an illustrated Survey of Romanesque Architecture, 300 to 1300 AD. To see and read all comments you have to download the post to your hard disk.

Burgos Cathedral 1221-1567
The cathedral was begun by King Ferdinand III of Castile on the site of the former Romanesque cathedral in 1221, beginning at the chevet, which was completed in nine years. First consecrated in 1260, then there was a lengthy hiatus of almost 200 years before the cathedral was completed in 1567, with the completion of the lantern spire over the main crossing.


The church above the roofs of the town. Photo Wikipedia

Mapa del lugar de interés Burgos Cathedral 1221-1567

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Burgos Cathedral 1221-1567, con el API de Google Street View

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