TOMMY'S ROOM - JAYPEGS (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

JR渋谷南改札(東急プラザターミナル方面246寄り)の西口を左手に曲がるとある歩道橋で246をまっすぐ渡り、降りて左手にJTB、右手にFamily Martのある道を進む。30m程先、交差点右角の、坂の左手、2階にカフェが有るビルの、赤いランプのある螺旋階段を降りたB1にThe Roomは有ります。

東京都渋谷区桜丘町15-19 第八東都ビルB1


Leave Shibuya JR station by the South excit and turn left. Go straightover the bridge and at the bottom of the steps you'll see a "Family Mart" on the right side of the road. Go straight down this road for about 3 minutes until you come to a small intersection. The Room is across the road in the basement of the corner building. Look for the red lantern!

Daihachi-Toto Bld. B1
15-19 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuyaku
Tokyo, Japan 150-0031

Mapa del lugar de interés TOMMY'S ROOM

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de TOMMY'S ROOM, con el API de Google Street View

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