Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany - Hitler's conquests (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

When the chancellor of Germany, Paul Von Hindenburg died, Hitler finally achieved his dream of becoming Chancellor of Germany. Of course he is an outrageous dictator, which Germany was soon to find out. The day Hitler was appointed this position was August 2nd 1934. Hitler was called "Fuhrer" and promised Germany a "third Reich that would last for 1000 years", however, Germany collapsed in 11 years after Hitler's takeover. This was not to say that Hitler did not successfully takeover all of Germany and a vast amount of Europe. Once Hitler became Fuhrer he developed laws that restricted him from ever being doubted or ever having an election. He then created anti-semenic laws, and this is where his conquests began.


Hitler being welcomed by a now Nazi-Germany.

Mapa del lugar de interés Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

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