The Show - Heaven & Hell (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

I was living the moment of glory in my life, the top of everything. I was 17 and I was in a
disco, I’d been rehearsing months for that moment, my dance group, The Diamonds
Dance Crew, and I were going to show who we were and what were we able to in
Anaconda disco. We were going to dance being paid! What else could I ask for?
I was very excited, we were in the backstage holding for success. We could listen people
shouting and screaming while they were dancing and waiting for us. Will people::text like our
dance? Is this going to be the jump to fame? we were wondering.
When the boss of Anaconda, Gonzalo, arrived, he wished us luck but he put us under
pressure when he told us that if we couldn’t do it well they wouldn’t hire us again. It was
the first time we were working as dancers and one of the most sensible person in the
group told us “It’s normal for us to be frightened of what the reaction of the public will
be”, that sentence relaxed me.
Five minutes before we start, I felt heaven coming and as soon as I danced the first step
I realised that I really was in heaven. The wobbly had disappeared, everyone was
encouraging us, that was the precise moment when I felt loved.

Mapa del lugar de interés The Show

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fotografía panorámica de The Show, con el API de Google Street View

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