Los Angeles, a city not to be forgotten... - Heaven & Hell (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


It was a hot summer day in Los Angeles, and I was giving an interview to MTV because of my new film, but the interviewer started insulting me saying that I was a terribly bad actor, so I decided to leave the TV studio.

As I left the TV studio, an immense wave of journalists pounced on me but, a pretty policewoman took me out of all that mess. She was a wonderful woman tall, blonde, blue-eyed... and, as I was a famous actor, I asked her if she could bring me home and she accepted. It seemed::text like the night could finish very well when, a van appeared and four, strong and very scary men with guns, went out of it. Without giving us time to do anything, they shot to the policewoman. They covered my head and put me into the van. During the trip, they told me that I would be killed if I did not give them what they wanted and obviously, I didn´t know what they wanted! I was very afraid!

After a short time, the van stopped, and they put me into a room.
I realized that they turned on some lights, and that they pointed me with a gun. I thought that they were going to shoot me when... they took away the bag out of my head and I saw that I was on the MTV´s studio! I saw the policewomen and the men who had kidnapped me. The MTV presenter came to me and said that it was a joke of his programme. I didn´t know what to do and I started laughing. Luckily, it was just a joke... but I am afraid of Los Angeles.

Mapa del lugar de interés Los Angeles, a city not to be forgotten...

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Los Angeles, a city not to be forgotten..., con el API de Google Street View

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