Heaven-Naroa - Heaven & Hell (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

That day wasn’t a typical day of summer, it was my 18th birthday.
First, I woke up at nine o’clock and at that time my parents were already up and with the presents in their hands. I took the biggest present and I found a lot of clothes::text like a dress, a T-shirt, a blouse... Then I could see that my mother had a blue envelope. I didn’t know what that was, but when I opened the envelope I started jumping and shouting. I saw that there were tickets to go to Chicago. Many times I had told my parents to go there because I had never been in Chicago and they had always told me that they were frightened because of the long flight.
I had planned a lot time ago a party with my friends but it was impossible to do it because if we went to go to Chicago, the flight took off at ten o'clock at night. I phoned my friends immediately to cancel the party and to meet with them on the beach.
One hour later, I met with them and I explained perfectly what the problem was. After that I went home to pack my suitcase and to sleep a little bit, since the fly would be long. When I woke up we went to the airport. The plane was full of people.
Four hours later we arrived in Chicago, it seemed to be a dream. After we arrived at the hotel we went to see the city and we could see that there was a big wheel. I told my parents to go there but they had prepared some trips for all the week, so we didn’t get on the wheel.

After a week, I was very happy because my dream had come true. Now, I know that I’m going to go Chicago to live because it’s a beautiful city.

Mapa del lugar de interés Heaven-Naroa

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Heaven-Naroa, con el API de Google Street View

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